Send In Your Questions for the Nationwide Advocacy Call Monday January 25, 2021

Your voice is invaluable in the effort to permanently ban horse slaughter in the United States.

We're expecting a high turnout for the call this coming Monday. As a result we're offering you the chance to send your question ahead of time so we don't miss it!

Add your voice to the national campaign to ban horse slaughter.

Add your voice to the national campaign to ban horse slaughter.

We'll be also taking questions live on the call too - so if you need time to think of what you want to share...there is time!

Please mark your calendar and join other like minded advocates on a nationwide call Monday, January 25, 2021 at 7pm EST / 4 pm PST. Call details will be sent out on Sunday evening with a follow up 1-2 hours prior.

In Our Hands Action Fund, a 501(c)4, was established by experts from across the spectrum all dedicated to one goal - ending the slaughter of America’s horses.

For two decades, efforts in Washington, D.C. to permanently end horse slaughter have fallen short and become stagnant. However, support from the majority of the public and members of Congress remains high for federal legislation permanently banning horse slaughter.

The health and welfare of America’s wild and domestic horses is In Our Hands.