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We have more time to pass The SAFE Act to Ban Horse Slaughter, but that window is closing rapidly!

Why? While there is still three months remaining in the 116th Congress, they are in session for business only a fraction of that timeframe. At the moment, the House is scheduled to be in session just a few days through mid-December and we need to keep the pressure on. That day is December 10th at the moment, but it could change. 

Our supporters sent an incredible 12,000 emails to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring the SAFE Act to the floor! Thank you so much! We will continue to send Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell this message and more emails are being sent everyday!

Send an email to Speaker Pelosi now: https://www.horsesinourhands.org/take-action-save-our-horses

Send an email to Senate Leader Mitch McConnell now: https://www.horsesinourhands.org/help-ban-horse-slaughter-sixty-seconds/

We will NEVER stop fighting to Ban Horse Slaughter. We are the only organization exclusively lobbying in DC for this issue!

Read more about the deadline here:

WATCH how a MIRACLE BABY FOAL helps save slaughter bound horses!


Baby Fern’s amazing strength and beautiful spirit jumps off the screen. 
See how she inspired celebrities to take action and help Horses in Our Hands in the fight in Washington D.C.!

Horses in Our Hand’s fight to Ban Horse Slaughter has been featured in a special article from the popular online magazine, Upworthy!

HIOH Celebrity partner, Bo Derek, shares her incredible insight on how the killing of America’s horses can end.

Read it here.


Well over 1116,000 letters have been sent to legislators in Congress in just 4 months! This shows how passionate people are about horses in the beautiful country. 
80% of the public wants this TO STOP.  This is a bipartisan issue.

We are working hard to educate people and end horse slaughter once and for all. Our incredibly active Facebook page is reaching new people everyday and you are sharing our posts too!  Thank you! 

We now have 237 cosponsors for the SAFE Act!


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been a supporter of the SAFE Act in the past, now we NEED HIM to bring it to the floor before December 10th. 

PLEASE send him an email! 

This link goes directly to his office and everyone in the USA can send one.

It only takes 60 seconds to save 60,000 horses!  

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Please consider donating to this fight.  Horses in our Hands is the only organization with dedicated Washington D.C lobbyists on the ground talking to legislators about the Safe Act. 
THANK YOU for being on our team and to all the legislators who are on this ride with us