In Our Hands Action Fund Update

Thank you for attending our “Save our Beautiful Horses Gala” in Malibu in March. We are so grateful for your contributions and your support. We have been very busy since March building our team and our resources in order to reach our goals. None of this would be possible without you.

Even through these challenging times we’ve been able to make great progress toward our mission of ending horse slaughter.

We’ve built a fantastic team, grown our social presence exponentially, invested in smart technology solutions and drawn support on Capitol Hill.


Our Mission and Vision

As our team has grown it’s been crucial to solidify our mission and vision statements to communicate our purpose so we can all move quickly together as one to reach our ultimate goal.

Our mission is to end the needless slaughter of America’s horses through education, engagement, and legislation. 

Our vision is to protect the majestic American horse, the embodiment of our nation’s spirit of freedom, by ensuring a permanent end to horse slaughter.

Social Media Campaigns

Two weeks ago we started engaging with passionate horse lovers across the US on the Facebook platform. We're now more than 17,000 members strong (Up 11924% based on the last 28 days) with engagement up 73987%. The Horses in our Hands  Facebook community are extremely vocal around the need to save horses from slaughter and are ready/willing to take action on the SAFE Act.

Please show your support by following us on social media and sharing with as many people as possible.

Update from Washington DC and Capitol Hill

Soon after our gala in California, In our Hands Action Fund hit the ground (while at a safe distance) running in Washington, DC and on Capitol Hill.  Despite the crisis facing all of us, Congress continues to work on legislation and vital funding bills, all remotely.  Our two veteran Washington, DC lobbyists have been conducting daily phone calls with key staff in support of the SAFE Act and our efforts to ban horse slaughter.  Support for this effort is as high as ever, but we need your help.  There are many important issues facing Congress, but ending horse slaughter is at the top of our list.  It is also an issue that enjoys strong bipartisan support and a long history of debate in the House and Senate.  With your help, we will convince Congress to not delay and pass the SAFE Act banning horse slaughter as soon as possible.

Please email us at if you have any direct connections that may help accelerate banning horse slaughter!

Video from Gala

Thanks to our creative director Jennifer Uteda we are adding the final touches to our videos that were filmed with our celebrities and supporters at the Gala in March. These videos will play a huge role in our upcoming campaign.

Investment in Technology

We have invested in a technology solution called “Congress Web” that will allow us to leverage our social following the passion of our members via the channels that are most likely to influence our legislators. 

Congress Web will allow our advocates to email, write, Facebook and Tweet directly to their legislators by simply entering their address. The system will present them with their federal representative and Senators and contact them with a few button clicks. This will remove the friction and confusion that stops many people from reaching out to their elected officials on issues they feel strongly about. We know people are passionate about our goal but many don’t know what or how they can make a difference via the political system. Congress Web will maximize the return on investment we are making in growing our community and prompting them to take action.

Our Amazing Team Members

We have assembled a team made up of experts in a mixture of full and part time roles. The team consists of a project manager, technology expert, two social media experts, a creative director, an advertising and marketing strategist and two veteran Washington, DC lobbyists.

Next Steps

Now we have our team, our members and our technology in place, the next step is launching our new campaign to create a ground swell of our members directly contacting legislators at key times with a structured and organized approach. It is with this coordinated effort we believe we will have great success.