Donate to Save Horses

Help save American horses from the terrible fate of being shipped out of the country for slaughter.

Help save American horses from the terrible fate of being shipped out of the country for slaughter.

As you read this, a horse is being slaughtered every 8 minutes. 

How can we stop it? With dedicated lobbyists helping us in Washington D.C.! They’re meeting with your legislators to pass the SAFE Act, a bill that will ban horse slaughter. 

Please join us in making history, let's save our beautiful American horses!

World Champion Triathletes Siri Lindley and Rebekah Keat created IN OUR HANDS ACTION FUND, a 501(c)(4), with the mission to ban horse slaughter.  

Please consider donating to this cause! By doing so, you’ll get special insider reports on how the fight is going in Congress. 

You can also setup recurring donations which is a great way to donate to save horses.

You’ll also be invited to special virtual VIP events with our many celebrity partners!

Our donation process is fully encrypted to ensure all personal and financial information is kept safe & secure.
